
Just some ramblings about my life, stuff I find useful, yada.

55 Mile Thames Bridges Bike Ride

October 1st, 2017

Another ride completed earlier today, in aid of Stroke – An organisation that supports stroke survivors and drives research into preventing strokes, and helping survivors to make the best recovery possible. I didn’t actually sign up to this event myself and wasn’t aware of it to be honest, but a friend had already signed up for himself […]

My First Half Marathon

March 22nd, 2017

Last weekend I completed my first half marathon for the Vitality North London Half. With minimal training and a prety bad diet, I was surprised to get under two hours. Well run event, I will be back next year!

Meet Huckstah, A Self Proclaimed Hobo, Who Hops Trains To Travel Around For Free

April 2nd, 2015

He’s been traveling around the U.S. for more than 10 years, mostly for free, works odd jobs when he has to, and is probably happier than the rest of us. Please tell us about yourself, your background and how you become a nomad? I’m a 33 year old male and I’ve been on the road […]

Running, With No Pockets For Your Keys? Try This

November 27th, 2014

I love running. I love the peace and tranquil feeling I get when I run. Just me, mother nature and getting lost in my own world with spotify. What I do not like however, is carrying my keys with me. If you run, I’m sure you know the feeling. If you have a zipper pocket in your […]

The Web Designers Idea Book Featuring Yours Truly

September 24th, 2008

A bit belated on this one but better late than never eh… I was contacted by Patrick McNeil of Design Meltdown last year to sign a waiver to possibly include a site i designed (which is now in the hands of a new owner) in a new book centered around design inspiration. Anywho, I was chuffed to […]