
Just some ramblings about my life, stuff I find useful, yada.

Lazy lie-in This Morning, Garden Work & a Cheeky Chinese

June 9th, 2024

The week has caught up with me, and I found myself having a long lie-in this morning, finally getting my bum out of bed at about 11:30. Once up and dressed and with a rumbling belly, I followed the usual routine of living in a house without a kitchen and drove over to Greggs for […]

Laura I. Art Gallery CIC is Looking for a Web Developer & Graphic Designer

October 25th, 2023

I stumbled upon this beaut of a role today and can’t believe how exciting it looks, and how much they are offering for the lucky multitasker! It appears Laura I. Art Gallery hasn’t got the memo about the cost of living crisis as they are only offering 10 quid an hour for the privilege to […]

10 Years 🇬🇧

August 13th, 2023

Today marks 10 years living in the UK. I arrived over to London on the 13th of August, 2013 and made this country my new home. I can safely say that It was one of the best decisions I have ever made – I have grown so much as person, made life long friends, fulfilled […]

What is BODMAS?

April 2nd, 2023

I am forever forgetting the order of maths operations, so here is a rundown if anybody should find it useful. BODMAS is an acronym that helps students (as well as Nerdle players 👀) remember the correct order of operations when solving mathematical expressions. It stands for: B – Brackets O – Orders (Exponents and Roots) […]

A Bike Ride, A Parkrun, Exploring Painshill, and a Roast

May 21st, 2022

Today was a bit of an early one for me. I woke up about 5am to get myself sorted and rode over to Surrey, or more specifically, Brooklands Park for Parkrun. I didn’t ride two and a half hours just for a Parkrun though, the plan was just to explore the beautiful Painshill grounds with […]

Perfect Easter Bank Holiday Weekend

April 18th, 2022

As work has been pretty full on these past few weeks, I decided to leave the laptop closed and savour every moment of this past Easter Bank Holiday Weekend, and boy did I do just that! Easter Friday Ride to Brighton 🐣 To kick things off with, on Friday my mate and I made our […]

Exploring Knole House

August 8th, 2021

I got myself a National Trust membership recently as I thought it would be nice to explore more of England, and The National Trust have lots of places scattered around the country to enjoy as a member. The first place ticked off this weekend was Knole. Below are some photos of the house.