Write a Web Dev Tutorial Every Day For 30 Days
With the situation going on across the world at the moment and with the UK being on lockdown, it looks like the perfect time to create another 30 day challenge to boost some moral for myself!
I am going to challenge myself to create one little tutorial each day on something web development related over at Frontend Hero.
So let’s give this a bash and start.
Day 1
Remove the editor on specific pages in WordPress
Day 2
Adding Dropdown Arrow Indicators With Font Awesome
Day 3
Adding an Animated SVG Border To Links
Day 4
Mask text with an image in CSS
Day 5
Create a staggered animated menu with CSS
Day 6
Create a Slick Rollover Effect For Text Links
Day 7
Detect if user is using dark mode
Day 8
Convert Pixels to REM units calculator
Day 9
Create multicolored borders with CSS
Day 10
Create a Variable Item Navigation Menu With Flexbox
Day 11
Change Email Recipient Based On Subject in Contact Form 7
Day 12
How To Create Your Own Strava Stats Widget
Day 13
WooCommerce Template Overrides Not Working
Day 14
Day 15
Exclude Specific Posts From WordPress Website
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